Thank You Teacher Tutorial
I've just realised that I didn't let you know that there was a tutorial available for the Apple and Teacher pattern. It's been around for...

Christmas Tree Tutorial
This pattern is a great way of using up those smaller books. It's minimum requirements are just 60 pages and a height of just 19 cm but...

Cancer Ribbon Tutorial
I had a message for help yesterday for the Cancer Ribbon pattern. I thought the best way to help was to do a quick video tutorial for her...

Sewing Machine Tutorial
Hi, I've just uploaded the video tutorial for the new Sewing Machine pattern. It's quite a long video as I also cover how to use the pdf...

Paper Flower Template Tutorial
I've started to include a paper flower template with my patterns for you to use to decorate your book folds. Here's the tutorial to get...

Book Folding Pattern Tutorial - Squirrel
The video tutorial is now available for any of those eager squirrel lovers
Book Folding Pattern - He Is Risen
I've had a couple of requests for a tutorial for the 'He Is Risen' pattern so the camera's been rolling again...

Book Folding Pattern - Alphabet and Numbers
Finally....Here's the video tutorial for the alphanumeric pattern. This pattern allows you to make up any word, number or date with...

Book Folding Pattern - Violin
Hi everyone, Here's the video tutorial for the violin pattern as promised yesterday. It should make things even easier for you to follow...

Christmas Advent Calendar: Video Tutorial
Long time no see, After a challenging summer family-wise I've finally got the camera rolling again to bring some more video tutorials to...